It will allow you to include your spouse and economically dependent children within your same application; thus being able to live with the whole family in Spain.
You will be able to move freely throughout Europe with this residence permit.
Express resolution in just 20 days and the applicable administrative silence is positive.
The residence time in Spain with this permit will count both for Spanish nationality and for permanent residence.
You will pay taxes under the Non-Resident tax regime (Beckham law) that will allow you to pay a fixed tax rate of only the 24% on your income up to 600 thousand euros instead of a progressive rate that can go up to 48%. In addition, you will also be exempt from paying wealth tax.
This highly advantageous tax regime will be extended for 5 years as long as you maintain your residence as a Digital Nomad, later passing to the general regime.
Portugal has a favorable tax regime for foreigners considering relocating to Portugal and becoming tax residents. Through the non-habitual residence (NHR) program, the country offers some exemption from income tax during the first ten years of residence.
The special tax regime provides tax advantages for those who establish their tax residence in the country, especially the non-habitual resident status offers a reduction in Personal Income Tax (IRS) to new foreign residents, or to emigrated Portuguese citizens on qualified work income, liabilities and pensions.
To obtain tax benefits in Portugal, the investor must be eligible for the status of non-habitual tax resident . Non-habitual resident status can be applied for by any person who meets the following requirements :
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